Information, No. 27635 W

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Filed June 12, 1942

U.S. of America, Plaintiff vs Fred Toycsaburo Korematsu, Defendant

No. 27635 W

INFORMATION (Public Law No. 505, Seventy-seventh Congress, Chapter 191, Second session, H.R. 6753

Leave of the Court being first had, Frank J. Hennessy, United States Attorney for said District, comes, and for the United States of America, informs this Court: That

Fred Toyosaburo Korematsu (Hereinafter called "said defendant"), being at all the times herein mentioned a person of Japanese ancestry, and being wihthin the geographical limits of Military Area No. 1 as said Area is defined and described in Proclamation No.1 dated March 2, 1942, issued by J.L. DeWitt, Commanding General, Western Defense Command, and Military Commander designated by the Secretary of War pursuant to Execuitve Order No. 9066 of the President of the United States, dated February 19, 1942, did, on or about the 30th day of May, 1942 at the City of San Leandro, County of Alameda, State of California, within said division and district, and within the geographical limits of Area No. 1, unlawfully, willfully, and knowingly commit and act contrary to the restrictions applicable to said Area, and contrary to the order of the Secretary of War and of such Military Commander, in that he, the said defendant, was, at said time and place, and did, at said time and place, remain in that portion of Military Area No. 1 covered by Civilian Exclusion Order No. 34 of said Commanding General, J.L. De Witt, issued on May 3, 1942, in which all persons of Japanese ancestry are excluded from, and not permitted to remain in, the said City of San Leandro, County of Alameda, State of California, after 12 o'clock, noon, P.W.T. May 9, 1942; that at said time said defendant knew of the existence of said restrictions and order, and that his said act was in violation thereof.

Frank J. Hennessy

United States Attorney

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