Letter from Ernest Besig, Director, American Civil Liberties Union of Northern California, to Fred Korematsu, February 1, 1944

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February 1, 1944

go Be Ot OE

lr, Fred Tf, Korematsu ANFIDE

$28 Hast 2nd South cot

Salt Lake City, Utah

Dear Fred:

More than a week ago, I sent you an affidevit which I

asked you to return promptly. Possibly it went astray,

but in any case it has failed to reach me,

Iam, therefore, inclosing another copy of the same form,

which I request that you take to a notary public and sign

in his presence after being duly sworn, And then please

return it to me by airmail special delivery, I trust you

Will take care of this without delay, A

Sincerely yours,

Inc, 3 3 Ernest Besig

EBs : Director

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