Letter from Fred Korematsu to Ernest Besig, Director, American Civil Liberties Union of Northern California, August 26, 1942

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Tanforan, Ass, Center

Barrek, 90 - 5.

San Bruno, Calif.

Aug 26 1942.


`Dear Mr. Besig;

How are youl, I hope you are feeling fine and every

thing is running smoothly with you. I also hope there is no trouble

about John Ura's car, if so will you please let me know.

I decided to write to you since there is something on my mind, that

is bothering me badly. The War Relocation Authoritie's is giving

those people of mixed marrage marriage, release from lanforan Center

next week. I was wondering if you could possibly find out, if there

is a way I could get a permitt from the W,R, (R), Authoritie's, to get

i tak ial so that I could get married to Ida. We are engaged for a

long time, and if it was'nt for this trouble I am in now, we would

of got married three month ago.

I would preciate it very much, if vou would find out for me. '@hyenes-

'Oh Yes", I would like to know when I would go for trial again, theres

a lot of talking about going to Utah reassembly center shaven. -_*

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Sincerely Your's,

Sal 1 flee: oe

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