Letter from Roger Baldwin, Director, American Civil Liberties Union, to Homer L. Morris, American Friends Service Committee, March 1, 1943

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GES 400

Yereh 1, 194%

dr. Homer L. Morris

Americen Friends Service Geant thee

20 South 12 Street

Philadelphia, Pa.

Dear wr. Horris:

- [ am writing as one of the trustees of the Robert Marshall

Civil Liberties Trust, which contributed $1,000 to the fund being

raised by the Friends for the appeal in the case of Gordon |

lirapayashi. It wes stated in your letter that you were endeavor-

ing to raise " fund of $2,000 to earry the case to the 0. .

Susrege Court with wr. Walters of Seattle acting es sttorney.

ir. falters aspesred for him in the Cireuit Court of Appesls

at Sen Franciseo on February 19 end avpsrently disappointed every-

body interested in these cases, One of your own workers, Jorenh

Conard, has exoressed his views in a letter to your Service fom-

mittee members in Seattle, from which I take the Liberty of

quoting: |

"On the other hend I do feel I should write you quite frankly

about Mr. Walters' effectiveness in the trial here. It wes

not only my own ooinion but that of everyone with whom I

have spoken that dr. falters' presentetion was not ohly poor

but pitifully so. I eid judge that hie point of view is

absolutely toos and that he is a grand person, but he was

completely unable to meet the essential issues; he antagonized

the court and resestedly failed to answer legitimate cuestions

asked by the judge. I am sure that everyone here, including

the Friends who were at the trial, Ernest Besig of the Ean

Francisco A.C.L.0., Sirin of the Loe Angeles .C.L.U. and

Rorthern Californie Board members, will join me in hooing that

we try to secure a really high grade, and tf poseible, a

rominent ettorney for eny further heerings. In any case

r. Walters does not seem adequate. `

"It may be that you were not planning to send Welters or that

you are not even involved in this, but in any case I assumed |

that you would want e frank statement, end I trust you will not

think I sm meddling in your plans by writing xs i heve.*

ir, Conard confirms whet our orn representatives at the hearing

-peported. I ghould think it would be wise now, in the event of an

adverse decision which is etpected, to see that somebody else than

ir. Salters argues the esse in the fupreme Court. fe sitowld be

very glad to make recommendations if you #ish.

Sincerely yours,

PNB/sa ; Roger N. Baldwin

ec to Ernest Besig

aa eee _-- Harshall Fund

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