Letter from Catherine Bauer Wurster and Howard Noise to Milton Stover Eisenhower, Administrator, War Relocation Authority, March 23, 1942

Primary tabs

COPY for Dr. Goodman

Margh 23, 1942

Sire Uitten Riesuhower, Adndintstoater

Relocation |

Social Seeurity Beard

708 verket Street, San francisco

Dear ire ) Leenhower :

Hithout conerete knowledge of your plene for haneling the resettlenent

of Best Gos (Sliiens, we would like nevertheless to offer for your -

ti same idens and suggestions which come fron our om direct

en |

The attached oF A latter sent to General De Witt desis with cone

of the brosd leme involvede "e want te make ome efcentitic

ciclo euggpetion, bowver, in SMa`latiee sonyene" |

The San francisco Regional Office of the Ferm Seourlty Administration

ineludes en excellent technical, architectural, and eecienng

ante os pobinpe the Uiet grewp af tho kant in any Federal ag ey in

pountrye Their achievements in providing econo foal and suital

atiy' waeajilacs Ween' shay coud ae setae Gao "owl she

We snetetdhh vesmmien test stweng etrongly, because of FSA's experience with

| gattlement problems and because of the out nding quality of

of technicians, thet you consider the poseibility of

atthoe hare tn so far ee possible in the work of relocating | al.

Se know the: F A ts already vitally interested in the problen, and would

in an undertaking such es engyecto! in the attached teteers |

Sur own interest ie twoeuided. `e naturally feel thet the best avile

ate Lene: is neeged in order te cerry out this diffioult . y

llye Put we are aleo frankly interested in beeping this PsA

unit intact, to be ready for the day when ordinary rural ree - 4

housing and resettlement will be reviveds if it is not used in such wae

en rreat eete ee te Tilt Ainost certainly be distented, whieh would

waste of talent, and of on instrument which has taken years of

te develop.

dns Shah Galen it is eetinaaties dh tiheneeaitie ad xt |

With ue in this sugeestion.s Any of ws would of course be happy to eiseuss y

these matters with you during your visit here if you can spare the tines ay

Lost eineerely,

Catherine Baus

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