As they await evacuation: The impact of the war between American and Japan on the values of different types of Japanese no the coast

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AS THEY AWAIT sVACUATION** The Impact of the War Between

American and "apan on the Values of "ifferent Typas

of Japanese on the Coast

James M. Sakoda

Types: Se

1. Conservative Issei - ist gen. immigrant "apanese remained -

within a "ap. community and not become "mericanized. Has re-_

tained Yap. values, and extremely conforming.

". Maladjusted Kibei - sent to Japan when young and returned to

America in middle teens. aces not get along witn parents, does_

note speak "nglish, not attended w~uerican schools for long, and

is emplo ed at menial labor, not get along with most other Niseis.

Dehavior similar to rowdy. "mokes, drinks, visits prostitutes, and

perhaps gambles. , =

3. Extreme Yonservatives - Nisei attempting to conforming to ,ssei way Ss

aS much as possible. ,peaks " apanese well, takes Jap. lang. school

Studies seriously, studeis and works hard, and usually does not

spend much time and money in playing, especially with the opposite


4. Rowdy - 2nd gen. who's outcast from respectable social sroups cause

of obnoxious behavinn. ls emmber of gang, smokes, drinks, visits pro-

stitutes, crash dances, and perhaps steals.

a. Hlite socialite - int. of this person is mainly dates, dances, sports,

movies, and possibly concerts. Is not intellectual or academic

type. Free and easy way of hi school adolescent, perhaps in late

teens or early twenties and attempts to maintabn a hi level of culture

and enjoys formal affairs.

6. Progressive - Nisei identifies himself with Causasians and prides

Self on his Caucasian contacts. 4ho has few Nisei friends, is

usually on fringe of *isei groups.

`7. Radical "iberal - Hither an {ssei or Nisei. Generally ostracized

by conservative members of Yap. community for his "radical ideas.

+dentifies himself with American masses and is opposed to vested


Jap. communities - like immigrant groups, lst gen. clustered in certain

communities and dist. Majority settled on Yacific Yoast, forming comm-

unities. Maintain most of culture as attitudes heard to ch.nge after

0 yrs. and limited contact with other "m. residents. Values they've

clung to are those learned as children, and only knowing such have #ried

to have children adopt them also. These --parents should be nonered,

one should study and work rather than play, laws should be obeyed.

Niseis - belong to Jap. race by bi:th--physical characteristics. recog.

by ability to speak Jap. or by attitudes. Due to racial prejudice, in-

tensified by economic competition, Nisei have been considered racial

outgroup by Am. majority. :

Belong to "m. cultural system--gr nted 4m. citizenship by birth. Learned


Am. patterns of behaviors, tr its, and attitutdes thru democratic pub.

school system. earned to be individualistic, to enjoy sports, listen

to popular music, read funnies to cherish democratic ideals.

" barriers prevent nisei from being accepted be either group

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