Memo to college students

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| April 8, 1942


the need for advanced planning and coordination of all able and intelligent

individuals as well as your om friends will need to develop attitudes that will

yelp the problems during temporary encampment, relocation, as well as 4 return to

i1ormal civil life after the war.

For those whom the schools, colleges, Churches, agencies, and homes have

ziven to develop your character, integrity, and abilities, we do expect to enlist

-our confidence, efforts and energies to assist the affected individuals and fami-

lies and to help others in catching the contagion of social responsibility, as the

same time helping to set up by your own talents the best program and activities of

croup work, individual growth, recreation, health, education, and mtual well-beinz.

As college students, let us not have the children in the camps or the adults

Lose pride in the pest that their American or Japanese backeround can give. We

-rust not judge the whole of America by the few who have brought on the evacuation,

for we know that the real Americans stand for "equality, justice, and humanity",

and should the rest of the country turn to think differently, we must show our

leadership and keep alive those objectives.

Here are pitfalls that the young people may fall into:- feelings of failure,

remorse, frustration, anger, bitterness, hate, defeat, as well as emotional upsets

due to loss of property and civil rights, daily comforts, material things, etc.

(4th these, youth is likely to develop the feelings of appease'nent in clenched fist

jefiance with net results of mental shock, bewilderment, apprehension, fury, cold

indignation, recklessness, and revenge that will sorely prevent the usefulness of

any person in the things that he can do or the help and comfort he can be those he

may be encamped with.

Consequently, there will be a breaking down of morals which will make it diffi-

cult to repair personalities and to use abilities for rehabilitation. Morals are

certainly indispensable to morale.

In this time of crisis, let us be on guard. This is not time +o lament. Te

blackets moments bring new dangers and we need your youthful leadership to relax

tensions, to relieve pressures, and endurances, and help build the ceneral morale.

fe are just victims of circumstance, and we are asking you to be humane and helpfal

"th those you live with and doing a decent job of whatever we can do under sincere

a wholesome terms with those we are to be grouped with no matter where we g0.

"ug, -we must not be complacent or in the wishful thinking stage. For in remaining

, this will not help the situation, but bring inactivity, dullness, and futility.

s 3, if one uses the various knowledge obtained in the schools, and help bring

out a willingness-~ the results will bring recreational leadership, nursery work,

study groups, discussion groups, cultural and character building projects.

- i ot


With evacuation in progress, there are new concerted efforts being made to

euarantee completion of college careers in other universities, %o resettle family

ov individual groups in non-restricted areas, to alleviate the hardships of encarye

rent or relocation areas by social action, to rehabilitate skills and abilities of

technical trained personnel, and thus assist the bewildered groups.

the hardships in encampmont or relocation areas by social aa tlon, ac

rehabilitate skills and abilities of ercyinerad teained porsonnel, and thus

assist the bewildered groups.

Whatover tho future and hovover handicappod we aro, this problom

includes us all in tho ways which current and futuro actions aro willingly

undertaken by us. Recognicing the sore svots of this dislocstion in tho

social, oducational, rocroationnal and cconomic scones, lot us talo the load.

Lot us not maiko our orm behavior hart the chiidron who aro in formative

stages but holp us bring our American horitage inte thoir lives so that

they will grow with wholosome attivudes. Furthormoro lot us uolp thom to

come out strongor in charactor and personality by thoso oxporionecs. Ahoad



lics now burdons, now oxperioness, ser eee i*% is wo to us to sharo tho

good things wo know and theroby make cach day a bottoyr ono

Leion In the faco of

lo `nouceo that follows so

s that develop tho ideals

Throughout tho massos, wo noo 2

uncortaintios, wo nood tho foresight to think of t

thit wo can oquip oursol ith tho best practico

of man.







What has happened to bring this cvacuntion is a trivosty on Amorican

ideals, but. in spito of this, wo shail not fcil to koop the domoeratic

idcologios or to find us wanting in csontal ond social ovvipmont in post}uar


This ovacuntion for the Nisci, in the words of Golon Fishor, is an

"ordeal of porsonal sufforing." Ho continucs, "It ig also 2. tos% of their

ability to riso above rosontmont and to mintein faith in thoir Ancrica and

ours. For whito Amoricans, it is 9. toasting "= fire oF dovoticn the lottor

and spirit of the fodoral Constitution, and of their ability vo hold justice

and national unity above antinathy tovard hs of Jnpanose mane... FOr

whito Christians, it is a chollengo Jo domonstinte that Christian brothor+

hood transconds blood and siin color(R).

Cordially yours,

Volunteer Cormittoo of Collogo Studonis,

For San Francisco Collose Stuconts,

a, *



Various national groups aro voricing on the important problom-of placing dis-

located students. I% is very `mporsant that these groups havc accurate and con

erete information regarding cach svtadent who desizes to continue thoir acadomic

cducation in unrostrictod arcas. We urgzontly request you to sond tho requested

informotion to us at 1530 Buchanan St. so that tho piacomut of disiocated

students can be made offectivo. Thank jou.





First Choice Second Ghoico

FINANCIAL STATUS; 1. Must you havo part-time work? Yos_ Wo

2. Can you afford om transportation? Yos _ No _

3. How much monoy available for schooling? 0x00A7 |

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