Letter from Lester S. Diehl, Director of Finance and Records, Wartime Civil Control Administration, to Lincoln Kanai, May 20, 1942

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Glas, which are identical to one you addressed to me, for reply.

Some of the thinge which you momtion im your letters, euch es the leok of

milk, butter, ecgs, otc., possibly my have cecurred while evacuees were

bedag inducted inte the centers ami until they hed an opportunity te cet

settled down to the regular routine of Assembly Center munmcenent. Hovever,

we belieys there things will ell be corrected, ant that within a short time there

should be mo complaint with regard to these situations.

It should also be remecibored thet these Assembly Centers are organized for

several Pearsons emi that the natural freedom of acrmal existences is not possible.

Zhe evacuees are prorine, in mst eases, that they understand the situation and are

making ao complaint, bat are entering into the spirit of the: thing so as to mke

the tas: casier.

Sun gene that you hse seeahind Settenm Geen eyeienes on Gee Gaateen we thet ee

imow there ie no curbing of such rights. Naturally the control of printing within

"he center ie sone idered necessary. Arrangements are beine made in 211 conters

for valigious sexviogs as requested by the evamens. |

4s fast ac possible the evnquess are beinc organized so as to be able to

gresent their preblems end their suceceations to the Center Mamacers. Thie plan

has been perfected alveady and is workiug fin several ceaters to the beneMit of

all. Therefore, it is my sucgestion that you allow these problems to be worked

out as they present themselves with the thought in mind thet fair treateat

will be given to all evacuees.

lester (c). Mehl, Director

Pimanee and Reconis

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