Letter from Ayako Sakai to Joseph R. and Elizabeth B. Goodman, December 1, 1942

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- | : | Topaz, Utah ea

cag | December 1, 1942

"6 +4 a8 oe

Dear Betty and Joe:

Gee, we certainly enjoyed your recent visit and tapi

We hope that you enjoyed yourselves just as `much.

Was wondering when you left--thought it was at 1 p.m.

and as we were at a Church Meeting (talking of pre- *

paring for Xmas) that I did not get out until 1 ih "Mn'y

and I'm sure sorry that I missed you that day you (c)

Tort. After breakfast, hung around the Administra-_

tion in order to get a pass to go to Delta to see ~

you off---but good gosh, no matter how long I wea CON

ay Ernst did not get back. ;

ie wane + `thank you very much for the gifts you

brought with you. Everytime I take a bath or wash.

my face, I shall remember you two--ha, ha. No, but

ea really, you couldn't have thought of a more practi-

ii i eal gift--thanx awfully. And, thanks for the Puzzle

, na near hayi ns fun trying to get that Lalani |

Betty, ie will send you a copy of that article Fred. !

showed us, as soon as I type it, This week, thus far,

the Church Office with which I am working hag been |

very busy. Monday, Standing committee meeting and -

the letters to pick up, Tuesday (today) Publicity

group, and Wednesday- Inter-Faith Meeting and I'm

doing their secretary work this month--so today and |

probably tomorrow, busy as a bee. Guess it Will let

; oh up during the latter part of the week.

You've probably heard that the gaiths here are more

or less united in their work--trying to get a little

! Dit of coordination. There are four faiths here--

) o Protestant, Buddhist, Catholic, and Seventh Day Ad-

ventists. We have a Religious Center--today, the

3 . x Block Managers moved in bag and baggage; so we ex=

L | --pect some rumpus, as we raised a `kick--desecration of

Peo. the Center---hmmm. ee

7 if mek Re ey ve cid haan ane Rese i ` } `

is a" sce ee a OI Vag es | EU oie aN an SERIE AP RES SE REE SUA SEAN SAR Sa a a

Intended to ask you this while you were here and for--

got to do so. I want to, first of all, thank you for

getting my two boxes of things from the Church on Post

A Street. I wish' you would let me know any expenses that @

you may have undergone in order to move them. Please "

do not hesitate to let me know, as I'm willing and an- |

xlous to pay for it. Hope that it does not get in your

way. | :

Hope th.t you two have caught up on your Sleep--guess

it'il take a good two weeks or so. Well, sleep well,

for who knows you'll be working harder when the holi-

Gay season begins. |

Good luck to both of you --and when I hear some news

of Camp life I shall drop you a line again.


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