Letter from Ernest Besig, Director, American Civil Liberties Union of Northern California, to E. F. Bernard, Esq., February 5, 1943

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February 5, 1943

if you have avail:bie an extra copy of the "Transcript

of Reoord" in the case of Minoru Yasui against the

Ue Sey Nos 10517, I would appreciate it very moh if

you woule send it to us. There is an outside chance

that this branch of the American Civil Liberties Union

will file au amicus curiae brief 1f M4, Collins oan a

possibly get arouud to it in the next couple of weeks,

in that even0x00A7, of course, we would like to have a copy

of the transcript. :

_ `Sineerely yours, -

Ernest Besig,

EB/fogs | Directors

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