Letter from Ernest Besig, Director, American Civil Liberties Union of Northern California, to Frank L. Walters, July 1, 1942

Primary tabs

duly 1, 1942

lirs Frank Le Walters, Bsqs

Central Building

Seattle, Washington

Die li. Walters:

: As you perhaps imow, this branch of the

Union is defending one, Frank Korematsu, who is charg-

od with violating certain military orders requiring

him to evacuate form this area, The case is pending

before U. 5S. District Judge Welsh, and comes up for

a plea on duly 15th. In the mean time, we have filed

a demurrer,and 2 memorandum attacking perticularly

the uncertainty of the statute is in preperation.

We are anxious to know the status of

your case, particularly in view of the change of

policy em the part of the New York office, of which

Roger Baldwin has just apprised us. I believe it is

the intention of our local committe to proceed with

the handling of our case as before,

Sineerely yours,

Ernest Besig, Director

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