Letter to Walter Frank, Acting Chairman, American Civil Liberties Union, November 11, 1942

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Novernber 11, 1942.

Walter Prank, Seqe,

Aeting Chairman,

Anericen Civil Liberties Union,

170 Fifth Aves,

New York City, "Mets

Dear ls vrais

eur Letter of Vomulvar ig 800le thvecint to

Cty ORES GE SE Oe Fee Gee Be oe eee eS ee

Comittes a copy, is obviously based on 6 o.G8 ODE me

poaition whigh I have sought repeatedly to elarify.

? = Personal cosnael, you sey ool reise

fe the podahe extherines ty the Reams the problen ie not thet


Litre ee coe ee ene ee ee ee the tren

nighed by the Unions 0 geod y 0G ceed dy eg on emg lng: 8

eee eee ayoocls end to carry on his cages

ggasi Be li, Wayne M. Cole

Lins prepared both ote that S cate thet tn the tease in effect,

they fore both filed by the Looal branch of the AsCebeUe and eonse~ |

quently wo have not attempted to distinguath betwen the points r

raised in one brief a the other, The effect of your sug= |

in hea. would meen thepping the case, because cent

would be no one to carvy on dirogtly for lire Koromataus

We camot in good % such a conse~ ,

| sg te wutartoue 46 Gaten Mapuuaken a we informed him bee

ore he acoaytel our holy that in the event he ms convicted, we

would undertake an append, if necessary, because we regurded his -

as a test cane. Our policy at the tim conformed to your om, and

besides, your office imew ali along that we were attempting te get

test case started.

I agres with you that it would be most unfortunate Af

the national office repudiated our appeal in the Koremteu case. As

Bighop Parsons hes stated te you, our Camittes has agreed to fellow

the now national policy in all future cases, tut we cannot in good

eonseience follow the shifting policy of the Board 4m the Karomateu

ence. If any legal proceedings are started in the Puseo case, for

example, we will not challenge the President's order. But in all A

fairness, it strikes mo that the national offiew should go along with |

us in an embarrassing situation and not seek to give retroactive ef-

fect to one of ite resolutions, Therefore, I trust that the Board oR

will reconsider its position in the Koromateu case bocnuse it has ep |

parently been under a misapprehension concerning the facta, i

Sineerely yours,

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