Notecard with a typed message in support of Fred Korematsu, and opposing incarceration of Japanese Americans

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Assembly Camps were for:

---Pangerous Enemy Aliens and Citizens: ~~

___,. These camps have been definitely been an

imprisonment under armed guerd with orders

~ gnoog to kill. In order fo' be imprisoned, -

7 Snese :

Pi thak tess Gos Steck sie ee

inorder ey, they may defend their loyalty at

court in a dev a

negtic way, but they were placed

__in_imprisonment W

_any fair trial! Many -

Disloyal Germans anc tAlians were caught, but

they were all not corralled under armed guard |

ike the Japanese---is this a_racial issue? If _

not, the Loyal Citizens want fair trial to prove

their loyalt

y! Also thekr are many loyal aliens |

10 can prove their loyalty to.

and they |

must be given fair trial and treatment? =

Fred Korematsu's Tese Case mav hein.



Fred Korematsu did not alter his dzzft board

card to get out of the draft, since he has

already registered, medical examination given,

and rejected by the draft board; hence, he

altered the card to get out of going to the

camps established for the Dangerous Enemy

`Aliens and citizene. Also, the draft,yen

were not taking Japanese at the oo

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