Letter from Ernest Besig, Director, American Civil Liberties Union of Northern California, to Fred Korematsu, July 22, 1942

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fanforan Assembly Center cont

July 22, 1942


Mr. Fred Koremateau sent

Barrack 90 " 5

Sen Bruno, California

Your special delivery letter did not

reach me until this afternoon because it was mis"ad~

dressed to 916 Pine Street. My address is 216 Pine


i think I have answered the questions

you raise in your letter in the one I wrote to you

yesterday. I more or less assumed that you would learn

from the newspaper: stories why you did not appear on

July 13th, As soon as Judge Welsh returns to San Fren-

cisco, your case will be dispossed of,

I don't remember whether I told you

that we are appearing in the case of liitsuye Indo as a

"friend of the court". The brief which we have filed

in your ease are also being filed in her oases

- With beet wishes,

Sincerely youre `

EBsRM rnest Besig.

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