Letter from Ernest Besig, Director, American Civil Liberties Union of Northern California, to Fred Korematsu, May 4, 1943

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kprkk May 4, 1945.

ly. Fred T. Koremateu,

$28 Hast 2nd South,

Salt Lake City, Uteh.

Dear Freds

I am sorry to have delayed writing to yous I am

enclosing your Mare Island letters in accordance with your re-


Concerning your case, the enclosed copy of a letter

from the Clerk of the Supreme Court of the United States, to-

gether with the last issue of the "News", will give you a pret-

ty good idea where the case stands todays Ae Le Wirin of Los

Angeles will argue the case for you on Monday, May 10, He =

also appearing in the Yasui case.

I'm quite sure nothing will happen to you. If you

violated probation, however, the court could undoubtedly call

you back for sentence, As matters stand, however, the procedural

question raised in your ease will be decided, and `the real is-

sues will be decided in the Hirabayashi and Yasui casege The

latter cases will be argued before the court just before your

ease goes om for argument. Sometime in the next three or four

months we should have a final decisions

I'm glad to hear that you're still employed. You

seem to have no great difficulty in securing a job. I think

it's rotten that you don't get the same wages as the others.

There's no exeuse for such discrimination.

i'm happy that no 111 consequences followed the recent

announcement of the execution of the American flyers. I was

fearful about the consequences to Japanese living here.

| Whet is your fatily doing now?

Best wishes

Sinserely yours,

Ernest Besig, Directors

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