Letter from Fred Korematsu to Ernest Besig, Director, American Civil Liberties Union of Northern California, September 9, 1942

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Tanforan Ass Center.

Barrack 90 - 5.

San Bruno, Calif.

American Civil Libertie's.

Sept. 9 1942. CON FIDENTIAL

Dear Mr Besig:

I believe ta know that I was granted release on probation, my

`folk's are very happy that I am back with them, and I want to say that

Mr Collin, did a very good job as an attorny. Judge St.Sure, was nice

about the whole situation, and was very lenient toward me, I believe he

is a very understandable Judge in heart., and I think the best Judge in

the Federal Court.

Welll!, Mr Besig. I believe it is only the beginning of our fight, and

we have a long way's to go yet. As I said before, if there is anyway I

can help you, Please let me know at once.

Oh Yes,! The reason why I havent seen or you hav'ent heard from Ann Kunitani,

is because they have gone to Hila, Arizona. My brother said that they have

left for there about a month or so ago.

I am sending 75, cent's to subscribe for the paper oa the A,C,L,U. minnticlii.

By the way did you get to speak to Ida, until I hear from you again,




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