Letter from Ernest Besig, Director, American Civil Liberties Union of Northern California, to Fred Korematsu, August 4, 1942

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August 4, 1942

lr, Fred Korematsu CON FIDENTIAL

Barrack 90 " 5

fanforan Assembly Center

San Bruno, California

Dear Fred:

I called up ida Boitano last night, and I am

sorry to say that I was unsuccessful in urging her to take

the trip with me to Tanforanm, She claims it is impossible

beeause of her work, and apparently has been advised against

it by somoone or other, fhe conversation was not very ep

factory because she wasn't inelined to do much talking, and

I never was very good at talking to an wmresponsive a

In connection with this, you should recall that i never did -

receive a response to the letter I wrote to her concerning

the disposition of John Ura's ear, I finally did hear from

the Wallmams at Centerville and they told me that the car

bees in the Sheriff's pessession, When I called up the Sah ,

iff's Office, I was informed that the car was in the Crane

Garage in Niles, and that I could get full information by

calling there, They told mc, there, thet two months stor-

age charges were due on the car as well as $4,50 for towing

the car to the garage, agregating to $19,50 thet would hove

to be paid before the ear could be released, Yesterday I

took the bus to Niles end got the car, The battery was rum

down but we cot the car started and I brought it to San

Francisco, That seemed like the only thing to do, Other-_

wise it would continue to acewmilate storage charges which -

would finally eat up the value of the car, centchn Ure hag all : .

of hie personal possessions in tho cer, and I'll put them in

_ my storage place at home. The car can go in my garage - :

John lets mo know what to do with it.

dean 4h wh Yodevel Carp to, 6, Deved, We

ati. I have written him a letter setting forth the above -

facts and suggesting " possible solution would be to sell the

car, if you have anything else to suggest, I would be -

to hear from yous

The contued absence of Judge Welsh has Pts

course required the continuance of your cases There is a

possibility that the metter will be transferred to another Ve

Judge, unless Judge Welsh ean handle it in the near futures, -

I am going on my vacation, starting next weeks :

So if you don't haar from me for a couple of weeks, you will

mow that i am just aiwins myself and have not deserted 7

Sincerely yours,

Ernest Besic, Director.

eb falas

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