Japanese relocation problems to be discussed at Salt Lake City

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From War Relocation Authority

Office For Emergency Management (For Immediate Release)

San Francisco Regional aerree

Whitcomb Hotel ; 33



`San Prenci co, April 2--The progran for relocation of more than -

100, 000 `Japanese now being SVECUR ESE | `from the West Coast military

areas will be at asessed with State `and Federal officials from 10

western states at an executive conferente at Salt Lake City on Tuesday,

April 7, the War He Loca son Authority sanounsed todav. ,

Me Se Eisenhower, Director of the Authority, has invited to the

meeting the Governors, Attorneys General, Chairmen of State Agricul-

tural War Boards, State Extension Directors, and `State Farn Security

Adminfstration Directors from "Montana, Idaho, Colorado, Utah, Arizona,

Nevada, New exton: Washington, bedoea and Wyoning.

Colonel Karl R. Bendetsen, Assistant Chief of Staff, Vestern De-=-

` ense Command, will attend the eerie as a representative of Lt.

neral J, i DeWitt.

"in calling the eects uF, Eisenhower made the roktneine statement

} e relocation of the more than 100,000 Jananese-Americans and .

ens is a task so tremendous thet it can be successful only

SF it is he ed on a plenned, orderly, protected besis, It is im-

portent that rapidly es possible, Spportuniti oe are made availeble

for evacuees ontribute the maximum to needed production, `Fete at

the same time it is obvious thet a program of this scope cannot be

| sarily on the basis of hundreds of individual requests

for smell reloc projects without consuming precious tine that

must `be devoted' lerger seopton. | |

Weperefong. we | seeking to get lerge-scale plens together for

care of the immediate problem, end have asked

ecrtoain Federal and St icials to mect with us on these tentative

plens. Although this | first mecting of its kind to be called by

the War Relocation Aut " tom C, Clerk, Chief of the Civilian Staf!




working with the Warbine Civil Control Administretion, hes conferred

with Governors end other officials during the period in which voluntary

evacuation wes under weye He reports a general willingness: on the part.

of most stsetes to coopesees fully in the relocation DECETOM, provided

they understand how it is going to be handled. The purpose of this

meeting is to arrive "t a common understanding of the problems end

policies involved." :

An orderly evacuation is now under way on the West Coast, with

evacuees entering asdenbig centers, and moving from there to large re-

ception centers under the supervision of the Army's Wertime Civilian

Control Administretion of the Western Defense Commend, `The War Re-

locetion Authority enters the pieture at the Reception Centers, and

will have cherge of production et such centers or of the planned move!

ment of evacuees from the centers into other useful productive effort

The Authority is considering five different types of work op-

portunities for evacuees: (1) Public work contributing to the war

effort, such as neve lopment of land for irrigetion; (2) producti

MS-3196 MS-3196.MODS MS-3196.batch MS-3580-1127 MS-3580-1127.MODS MS-3580-1127.batch MS-3580-1385 MS-3580-1385-large MS-3580-1385-large.MODS MS-3580-1385.MODS MS-3580-1385.batch MS-3580-1386 MS-3580-1386.MODS MS-3580-1386.batch MS-3580-1387 MS-3580-1387.MODS MS-3580-1387.batch MS-685 MS-685.MODS MS-685.batch MSP-685 MSP-685.MODS PC-CO-Tanforan add-tei.sh create-bags.sh create-manuscript-bags.sh create-manuscript-batch.sh fits.log ladd needed agriculture! commoditics for subsistence of evacuees ea]

sale; (3) manufacturing of erticles such as camouflage ng

belts, wood products, etc., thet are required by the mi

establishment and (4) private employment, whea end whe ; possible.

However, Director Eisenhower emphasizes that the diate re-

projects, and evacuees will not take pert in privat; pursuits for

several months to come, et least not `until after th vecuetion from

militery ereas has been completed, and definite iicies and pro-

cedures heve been made regarding the opportunities for and the con=

ditions of private emplovment.


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