Administrative order (United States. Wartime Civil Control Administration), number 3, revised (May 1, 1942)

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April 6, 1942

Revised May 1, 1942

Administrative Order)


Number 3)



1. CAD -- WCCA, being part military and part civilian, entails

administrative organization necessitating strict adherence to certain

rules of procedure in order to eliminate unnecessary effort and confusion

while retaining administrative control. The following are prescribed for

the guidance and compliance of personnel, both military and civilian

2. CAD - WCCA occupies a dual status. CAD is a Gener

tion of WDC -4th Army and as such has no operating function

solely for the purpose of obtaining information for, assistt

formulation of the policies of, and advising the Commanding Ge

matters pertaining to civil affairs. WCCA is not a staff section `but

an operating body (although 3 it. has certain fact-finding and ad


3. a. A matter which falls entirely within the scope of CAD will

almost invariably be : "command" matter; this is usvally a communication

(order, request, etc.} to subordinate units of WDC-4th Army or to higher

headquarters (War oe including S.0.5. etc.). The communication

is in the name of the Commanding General WDC-4th Army.

b. A matter which fails EE ee. within the scope of WCCA will

seldom, if ever, be a matter of military command, although it may involve

the direction (command) of civilian or pres personnel under the juris-~

diction of WCCA. In such case, the commend is by the Officer in charge


4, A matter which partakes of both CAD and WCCA functions will be

handled by the one having the major interest therein. This, in many

cases, will require a decision based on the policy of endeavoring to

relieve Headquarters, WDC-4th Army of as much of the administrative

burden as possible.


5. All administrative instructions heretofor issued by CAD ~ WCCA,

in conflict with the following are hereby rescinded.

6. a. The office will be open seven days a week. Shifts will be

arranged by Section Chiefs so that an operating staff is available each

day. Normal civilian employment is eight hours a day. The lunch period

is 45 minutes. A member of each section mst be available at all times

between 8:15 A.M. and 10; 00 (R).M. so thet correspondence, telephones, etc.

can be adequately covered.



be A duty roster is maintained by the Assistant Adjutant

General, assignine officors to duty from tho hours of 5:60 P.M. until

8:00 A.M. tho following morning. "in officcr whose dutics will compel

him to be absent for the ovening assigned will notify tho Assistant

Adjutant Generel so that a substitution can de made.

cent.0 One afyernoon and week will be = off by each. officer for

exercise and recreation, 4 roster is. maintained by the Assistant Adjutant

Gencral of the schedulod afternoons. Ptonnocns off will not be taken

where pressure of work vrevents.


-4th army,

icy record

7. CAD hes veon dosignated by the adjutant

as nn Office of Record for matters pertaining to

room will be operated. Mail and rccords will bo

accordance with the Dewcoy Decimal system. Record

Section for file, mist benr in the lower right hand

MTile" and the initiels of the person authorizing

s 4 O2

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8. Form and composition of letters.

ae (1) Margins:

ein of 1 inch Drom the top, icit,

the right edge.

(2) eR sos will bo numbered where there is more

6, the number? . .. avi bo srad it oe be centered in the

the lower sade oe he Da, e second and each succeccdin

ve 4 t the top of Ve lak joct or abbrovintod swhject

SUGr to identify it sho con otached from the first

t one pag

MAX ong


of Ene


rein along

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(3) Model forms: "attached are model forms of lcttors?

bEeper-se civilian

Command lettor

Memorandum on check slin

Memorandum, intra--orfice

. MS-3196 MS-3196.MODS MS-3196.batch MS-3580-1127 MS-3580-1127.MODS MS-3580-1127.batch MS-3580-1385 MS-3580-1385-large MS-3580-1385-large.MODS MS-3580-1385.MODS MS-3580-1385.batch MS-3580-1386 MS-3580-1386.MODS MS-3580-1386.batch MS-3580-1387 MS-3580-1387.MODS MS-3580-1387.batch MS-685 MS-685.MODS MS-685.batch MSP-685 MSP-685.MODS PC-CO-Tanforan fits.log ladd 0x00B0

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b. Command Letters.

(1) Command letters will be propered in strict conformity

with army Rogulntions 340~15 "Corresponden ay How ; Conducted". oe wild

be on "Orfice of the Commanding Gencral" s n The heading will

be entirely within the uwopver third of the fire nnwo and eee

in the following form:










wpril: JO, 1942

SUBJECT: Administrative Matters.

20s Commanding General, Southern California Sector.

Paragraphs will be indented and (if more than one) numbered. No

salutation will be used. No complimentary closing will be used. Where

the signature is to be that of an officer other than the Commanding

General, there will follow the last paragravh, the phrase, (to subordi-

nate units), "By Command of Lieutenant General DeWitt"; (to military

commanders not under the jurisdiction of CO. G., WDC-4th Army) "For the

Commanding General".

(2) Command communicetions to subordinate units of WDC-4th

Army will be signed by the Adjutant General or an Assistant Adjutant

General. Command communications to military commanders, not under the

jurisdiction of WDC-4th Army, will bo signed by the Adjutant General,

an Assistant Adjutant Genoral or, in certain cases, by the Commanding

General (in his absence, by the Chief of Staff).

(3) The signature will be followed with:

a. Where signed by the Commanding Gcnoral,

Wy, L. DeWitt

Lieutenant Gonerel U. S. Army


Where signed by the Chiof of Staff,

"J. L. Bradley

Brigadier Genoral U. 0x00A7. Army

Chior of Staff!

Whore signed by the Adjutant Goneral.

TR ot eae,

Colonel, Ws Ga..D;

Adjutant Goneral

Whore signed by Captain Fullerton,

"Hugh T, Fullerton

Captain, A.G.D.

Assistant Adjutant Genoral"

Where qa communication must be sont to the Presidio for concurrence,

none, except (3) a, of the above will bo typed. This will onable the

letter to be signed by the Adjutant. Genoral or an assistont, immodiately

after the last necessary concurrence has becn obtained.


c. Non-command letters.

(1) WNon-command letters will be in accordance with usual

usiness practice and courtesy and as further "rescribed herein. hey _

will be on "Office of the Assista aS Chicf of Staff, Civil Affairs Div-

ision" stationery. Paragraohs will not be numbered, but will be inden-

ted. The first paragraph of a Icttor replying to another communication

will identify such comminication by subject and date. If the communica-

tion received was addressed to Lieutenant Genernl J. L, DeWitt, but the

answer is to be signed by another, the first paragraph will contain a -

phrase substantially in the form: "Lieutenant General J. L. DeWitt has

directed me to acknowledge your lettor ****", The salutation will be

"Dear Sir" or "Dear Madam", except in letters addressed to high civilian

officials, where a phrase such as "Dear Senator Jones" or "Dear Governor!

will be used. The body of the letter will be as brief as is consisten

with en complete statement and with usual rules of courtesy. The compli-+

mentary closing will be "Very truly yours" in all cases except:

a. where a letter is thanking the addressee, in

which case, "Sincerely yours" will be used.

b. where the letter is toa high civilian officia

in which case, "Sincerely yours" or other phrase may be

used, Aono upon the degree of acquaintance or frie

ship between the writer and tne addressec.

(2) a. Non-command communications will ordinarily be signed

by the Assistant Adjutant General, followed by:

The purpose of having all lctters, command or non-command, normally signed

by the Assistant Adjutant ae le, is to assure administrative control

over correspondence and to assure proper recording, mailing, filing, etc.

However, in certain casos spate will be as prescribed for command

communications; these cases will generally be lctters to members of

Congress, etc.

b. .Where the basic communication is addressed to Col-

See) Bendetsen and there is a personal relationship, as distinct from an

official interest in the matter, signature will be personally by Cclonel

Bendetsen, followed bys


Karl R. Bendetsen

Colonel, G.S.C.

Assistant Chief of Staff, C.A.D.

c. Commmications from Colonel Bendetsen and/or

WCCA staff, will be signed personally by Colonel Bendetson, isigene by:


Where Colonel Bendetsen personally signs, the

by the Executive Officer or the Adjutant.

"Karl R. Bendetsen

Colonel, G.S.C.

Assistant Chief of Staff, C.A.D.

re will be no authentication

Where Colonel Bendetsen cannot, -

because of absence, etc. sign, such commimmications will be "By order of

ioe) , ,

Colonel Berdetsen", signed by the Executive Of

the Adjutant.

ed by evacuation

stationery, and will norma ee

a. Travel permits and commmnications to persons affect-

orders will be on "Office of

ture followed by the inscripti

A travel

but will be "For the es sistant

one paragraph, the


ficer and authenticated by

the Chief of Speer CAD"

Herman P. Goebel, dr.

Captain, Cavalry


t will not-havoe a salutation nor a

paragraphs will be numbered.

e. Communications issued to the staff by, or by

"Administrative Order

ity of Colonel Bendetsen, will be entitled (e)

and (b) "Memorandum No. _". Orders will be 4

y. Normally, memoranda will by "By order of Colonel Bendetsen",

and signed by the Executive Officer.


TIONS (ora.


the word "Incl" typed,

NIncl. #1


noch. They will not bear the

staff; however, before release, they must be approved by Colonel

pound3. Press Releases. will be


a. All communications to which there

on the same line as the signature, but on the left hand side of the bane


a. Excessive copies will be avoided

when delivered to the Assistant hajus ant General for dispatch,

should comprise the original, 2 white and 1 green carbon copies; non

command letters will have only the green copy.


the comminication desires to have the matter

reply to



file and


the letter is. expected or certain act

additional carbon (pi ink) should be included with the


be ages by the Adjutant, with his signa-

complimentary close,

Chief of Staff, euro.A.D."+ where more than


irective; memoranda will De"

issued by the Public

ere inclosures will

In. general, common

if. the. of fice prepa

suspended, i.e., where

ion is oxpected at

date indicatod; such copy will be placed in the A.G. suspe



to the ettentron of the intere


sted officer on the


signature of any officer of this



with the inclosures listed below it in sufficient

detail to identify nae inclosures. The inclosures will be numbered












b. The green carbon copy is the record copy and will, in each

- case, have typed or stamped upon it, the initials of the person dictating

or composing the letter and the initials 'of the typist. The initials of

the composer will be in capitals followed by a slant line and the initials

of the typist in small letters. Below tremwill appear the initials "CAD",

These initials will be placed within one half inch of the right edge of

the green carbon copy, approxinately opposite the date.

c. If carbon copies are to be sent to anyone other than the

addressee, notation of such shovld be made on the lower left side of the

page beneath the list of inclosures. If such distribution is made by

the office of origin, the individual making such distribution should

initial the entry on the green copy. If no such initials arpear on the

green copy, distribution will be made b tne mail room if sufficient

copies are available. If sufficient copies are not available, the

communication will be returned to the office of origin.

11. Preparation for mailing.

a. After a communication has been prepared bv the typist,

it will be checked by the typist with another person against the

stenographic notes or other draft. Thereafter the letter witna the

envelope will be fastened with two paper clips (not staples), widely

spaced, to the carbon copies so that the green carbon copy protrudes

approximately one half inch beyond the right edge of the original,

disclosing the typed initials. The letter will be delivered to the

composing officer for his review and correction. If correct, he will

initial the green carbon copy above his typed initials. He will then

obtain, on the green carbon copy, the initials of ali other interested

Chiefs of Sections of CAD, WCCA. If the communication requires the

concurrence of staff sections of WDC-Ath Army, he will attach to the

letter a routing slip with such interested staff sections checked.

b. The letter will then be delivered to the Assistant Adjutant

General's office where, if all concurrences have been obtained, it will be

signed, (or signature obtained), mailed and carbon copies filed, with

pink copy, if any, placed in the A. G.'s suspense file. If the officer pre=

paring the letter desires a copy for his own files, he should direct the

making and pulling of a copy prior to delivery of the communication to

the Assistant Adjutant General,

Ce Communications to which are attached a routing slip for

concurrence of staff sections, at the Presidio, will be sent by the

Assistant Adjutant General to the Presidie by messenger and concurrence

will there be obtained; thereafter the letter will be went to the

office of the Adjutant General, WDC-/,th Army at the Presidio, who, or one

of his assistants, will sign and dispatch the letter from the Presidio.

12. Preparation and Composition of Telegrams, Teletypes and

Radiograms. oe

a. Number of copies. There should be n original and one green

carbon copies (pink suspense copy, if desired).

b. Brevity... Conciseness:ts-essential ,;but. clarity must not

be sacrificed for brevity. There may be used such beginning phrases

ey | = Lyee

- 2 a 4,



as "Reurtel", "Reurad" to identify an earlier communication. Command

messages will end "END CAD",

c. Signature. The signatures will be as follows:

Command messages to military commanders not under command of WDC-4th Army

J. L. DeWitt

Commanding Western Defense Command and Fourth Army

Command messages to subordinate units


A.G., WDC-4th Army

Non Command messages: Normally


A.G., WDC-4th Arny

to Sign it otherwise,

will be used followed by


but, if by nature of the message, there is reasa

the surname or full name of tho officer signing

his official capacity, e.1.

Bendetsen, Colonel

Wartime Civil Control Administration

ad. Authentication: The green carbon copy will be prepared

Similar to the green copy of a letter and will, before submission to

the Assistant Adjutent General, have all necessary concurrences evidenced

by initials. In the lower left will be typed in capitals: "OFFICIAL",

with a space for signature and thereafter

Hugh T. Fullerton

Captain, A.G.D

Assistant Adjutant General


Where concurrences must be obtained from WDC-4th Army at the Presidio, the

word "OFFICIAL" only will be typed.

13. Classified Communications.

Any communication which has bcen classified as "Secret" or "Confiden-

tial", when not in active use (including nights), will be delivered to

the Assistant Adjutant General, for safe keeping. Such comrmmications will

not be handled by messenger, but will be handled by hand, from one commission-

ed officer to another cr designated non-commissioned officers, or by civilian

section chiefs.

14. Messenger Service.

Inter~office messenger service is scheduled every twenty minutes from

8:00 A.M. to 83:00 P.M. each day. During the period 8:00 P.M? to 83:00-A.M. ~~

messenger service may be obtained by calling local 689. Messenger service

to the Presidio is scheduled as follows:

Leave Hotel Whitcomb at 6:30 A.M., 11:30 A.M., 4:30 P.M. and 8:30 P.M.

Leave Presidio at 8:00 A.M., 1:00 P.M., 6:00 P.M., and 9:00 P.M.

Special messenger service to the Presidio at other fe be obtained

by calling local 689. ae


40x00B0 7 if AH e


Colonel, G.S.@.,

ALO of By, Gaile.

WCC ah.

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