Letter from Ayako Sakai to Joseph R. Goodman, September 13, 1942

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Barrack 158, Aptl 10

Tanforan Assembiy Center

San Bruno, California

september 13, 1942

Dear Dr. Goodman:

On behalf of our family, 1 wish to thank you very much for

all that you and the others there have done for my brother,

Henry before his departure for school-- the generous loan,

the wonderful dinner, the ride to the station, and other

innumcrable details. I can't-say how much we uppreciate

all your kindness and generosities, and only hope that he

did not cause any inconveniences to you or the others.

I would also like to thank you for being so kind as to bring

my typewriter and hat and knitting needles in to me.

Well, Dr. Goodman, the first family groups and the families

of hose who had left in the first contingent will be leaving (c)

Tanforan for Utah this Tuesday; followed by another group of

500 on Wednesday. Yue to the newspaper articles stating

that the location of the people left in Tanforan after Sep-

tember 22 is not known, there has been much speculation as

to our final destination. Of course, the members of this

camp like to be together due to the general compatability--

being composed of those mostly from the Bay Area. How-

ever only tige will tell about our final location.

tL am enclosing the final issue of our Camp paper, "Totalizer".

Do your remember that San Francisco Coordinating Council that

met wth those from the East Bay? Well, the fellow that was

chairman of the group, Taro Katayama is the editor--a Phi

Beta Kappa from the University in Utah. He, by the way, just:

announced his engagement to a girl in Oakland (formerly). I

hope you like this paper---I think our staff is very good--


Best regards to your wife and the others from all of us. And--

thank you again.

Very sincerely yours,

Lgats Jada

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