Population re____

Primary tabs


A total of 11,940 evacuees from the eentcrs have

rolocated on seasonal, short~torm and indefinite loaves,

The following is a report as of May 22, summarizing

the total leaves of all centers:

Conter Seasonal Short Term Indefinite Total Remainine

Topaz 320 ed 642 1073 ios

Poston 726 134 BLE 1375 16526

Gila ona: 4.5 478 754 127 5

Granada 524 BO . FAS 1327 6412


Mountain 708 69 625 1402. ' 9982

Jerome ' 8 52 425 635 8074

Manzanar 0x00A711 22) 608 1141 8797

Minidoka 978 105 baad 2194 7885:

Rohwer - 152 37 489 647 7906

Rule Lake 994 10 1492

Leuppe Cae in ea aa 54

"Sees" Bae "6098 11,940 99,655

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