Letter from Lincoln Kanai to Josephine Duveneck, May 5, 1942

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May 5, 1942

Mrs. Josephine Duveneck

2051 Baker Street

S4n Francisco, California

Dear Mrs. Duveneck:

Fully realizing the tremendous responsibility that is being

carried on by you and the freends Service Comittee in meeting the

multiple human needs that have been arising since evacuation has

come into the picture and realizins that the dynamics of life is

constant change of adjustments whose needs must be met, we

offer our sincere thanks for the wonderful way in which you have no

Sraciously extended you helping hank.

The implications connected with this evacuation is a generation

of problems that we know will not solve itself if it cannot ade-

Quately respond to human needs, as well as objectively solve the

mental and social responsibilities in the ongoing processes.

It has been a real highlight anda most encouraging realization

at the preseat time having your sympathetic understanding. The

future is doubly imp ortant, but we know that the very same attitudes

and spirit that you have shown in meeting a great challenge will

continue to have your leadership as the resettlement processes

take place. Though we may not be for long able to assist and pre-

sent problems in freedom, we hone to continue as far as we ean in

raising and presenting to you much of the concerns that will arise

within the camp.

This is in deep appreciation for your wonderful effectiveness.

in the present crisis. Thank youu

Yours codially,

Lincoln Kanai

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