Oh my darlings

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In a building in our center

Filing cards from morn til night

Dozen boys, a hundred lassies

Oh me, oh my, a sorry sight

Oh my darling , oh my darling

Oh my darling lads your sunk

With so many gals arround you

Your work must be a pile of junk

And your boss, that genial Jimmy

Driving on with whip in hand

Making rules and regulations

- Follow them or you'll be canned.

Oh my darling, oh my darling

Why your work, we cannot see,

With the boys we hardly blame then,

For the girls tis a mystery

Then there's pretty Fudgy-wudgy

With his big legs and all

Breaking hearts as he goes waddly

Tween the desks, in your big hall

Oh my darlings, oh my girlies

Stay away from dapper bill

He'll roli his eyes, and lead you onward

Then close in and make his kill

Recess comes but two times daily

Ten o'clock and one at two

Then the heads all get together

How those cows can really moo

Oh my darlings, down the stairway

Must you run with head so low

There is truth in that old saying,

When you go, you gotta go.

All in all wetre only kidding

Your spirit has been grand |

We give thanks for ye all your efforts

You surely deserve a hand.

Oh my darlings, oh my darlings

Hurry up and end your files,

If you do dear, we can go, dear

To Arizona with a smile. 0x00B0

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