Letter from Joseph R. Goodman to D. S. Myer, Director, War Relocation Authority, January 13, 1943

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To om vate ae


`Mire. D. 3S. Myer

1627 Fost. street

San Francisdo, California

- ad, 1948

: NG

War Relocation authority .

Barr Building ~


Dear Mare Myert

I have nbocteae your letter, pinuasiine om euprecnian of

Opinion on behalf of Seorge apans oe this Central -

) Projects Topaz, Utahe

"I met George while living in the `sanellage seotion of

San Francisco prior to the evacuation. `Through him and his

`Sister I met the rest of the family and found them all to be

mann ety: Sincere, Christian folie


George wishes. to be a dentist but his education was tala !

_Tupted by the evacuation. lie had succeeded in completing his

presdental work and was just sterting dental school. He was

well liked and respected by the boys of the Japanese YeMeGeAn =

in soa Francisco whens I saw him most frequontlys ee Ye

Sinee the Sakais were moved from San Frangisco we nae a ir

` renting their home and have @ personal interest in George and his Cv.

family. Jeorga's father died after they had been moved to an :

assembly Center, so that the business transactions concerning the -

Gare of the house have been carried on by Georges I have found hin

honest in his dealings and would be willing to trust him in all

that he does. He is a sinsers youns American who ie Aoing: `his

best under the present circumstances.

Daring `Thanksgiving weekend my wits and I visited the y project

at Topaz and were interested to note that their morale was highs |

There was no feeling of bitterness but 4 stron: desire to once more

be in - position to contribute ina gonstructive way to our Society. Ki

4 `elueeniy hope you will be successful in your afforte to solve

the problems produced by the evacuation. The program of relogation

throuchout the United States seems to be the possibility nots it.

May also produce valuable informat ion for the `tremendous sronien of

rehabilitation yet to comes

"Anything that oun be done for. cece Sakai and his family would

" APP Fenieteds | "

_ Stncorly yours, AU ei awe eee ve

WE Sp OTE as

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