Letter from Joseph R. Goodman to Claude C. Cornwall, Central Utah Relocation Center, January 13, 1943

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1627 Fost Street

San Francisco, California

January 13, 1943

Mae Claude C. Comwal]

Central Utah Rolocation Centor

Topas, Utah

Dear Mir. Cornwall:

I have received your letter requesting and statement in behalf

of Ayako Sakais . ae.

, I have known Ayako as a personal friend in San Fransisco

prior to the evacuation. She received ber education in this

region and is, 1 believe, a araduate of the Mmivaersity of -

Californias She was well liked by the other young people in th:

commuiity for her cheery smile was always welcome. During the

period between the deglaration of war and the evacuation she

did some voluntesr stenosraphic work for Mre Lincoln Kanai and

myself at the Japanese YeMeCeds im San Pranciscose She is a

capable stenographer and has a fine Christian backerounde She

had a positive, construetive attitude tovard the evacuations

At present we are living in the Sakai's home and are

personally interested in their welfare. `oe realize that you

ars working for them and are oemesrned for them and we will be

glad to be of any assistance in helping them become reastablished

as a productive unit in our soviatye


Sincerely yours,

Joe Goodman

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