Letter from Lincoln Kanai to Joseph R. Goodman, 1942

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Perhaps the Immigrant Serving Committee on which Betty Baler anal Mrs Duveneck is on

ought to take this up. Other letters ought to go direct to the Congressman and to

those who introduced the bill. Met about 300 Nisei and others in the city already

but meeting others who can help in this situation a lot more in a public way. Wish

I had a social secretary, and a few contact men, and publicity men all along.Wish I

knew from B1Ipescentcent or Perkins or Sprunger if my vacation has been allowed. That check

could come in mighty handy right now. But I guess I shall just forget about it.

Gave it to Fred and c. N jiri before I left. The YW is doing the program of the

meeting yen vith the Nisei boys and girls with a dance prosram and swim session on

thursday evenings and thescent srogram are done with the procram interchangeable with those

who would like to have it Hith the others that come in (Service hen and outsiders

of all other nationalities). Quite a fellowship here.) Attended i. swim session

jast night. Keep up your comraze and your plans. Out of the milieu of plans may

come the kind of thing vha' will help. The War Relocation Authority has established

another project - the sixt here near the Kansas border which will be primarily

for the development of irrigation facilities and production of food crops.

It seems like the WRA has not been given the kind of things that will help them

build model communities??????? And this of course will not fit the LAtans or the

SFeiscans. Keep on plugging, old boy. Best of luck. . Link

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