That damned fence

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They've sunk in posts, deep into the ground

They've strung out wires, all the way around,

Nith machine gun nest, just over there,

And sentries and soldiers everywhere;

We're trapped like rats in a wired cage,

To fret and fume with impotent rage;

Yonder whispers the life of the night,

But that DAMNED FENCE in the floodlight glare, |

We seek the softness of the midnight air,

But that DAMNED FENCE in the floodlight glare,

Awakens unrest in our nocturnal quest,

And mockingly laughs with vicious jest,

With nowhere to go and nothing to do,

We feel terrible, lonesome and blue;

That DAMNED FENCE is driving us crazy

Destroying our youth and making us lazy.

Imprisoned in here for along, long time,

we Know we're punished tho we'vecommitted on crime,

Our thoughts are gloomy and enthusiasm damp,

To be locked up in a concentration camp.

Loyalty we know and Patriotism we feel,

To sacrifice our utmost was our ideal,

+O-fighnt for our country, and die mayhap;

Yet we're here because we happen to be a Jap.

We all love life, and our country best,

Our misfortune to be here in the West;

To keep us penned behind that DAMNED FENCE

Is someone's notion of NATIONAL DEFENCE! !!111

** Author Unknown**

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