Retain necessities until last minute--advice from WCCA

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Retain Necessities

Until Last Minute-

Advice from WCCA



Make Arrangements for

Disposal of Goods, But

Wait for Final Order

Officials of the Wartime Civil

Control administration cautioned

Japanese again Friday that all pre-

parations should be made at the:

earliest practicable date for closing |

their affairs prior to movement to.

an assembly center.

All plans for selling or storing

property should be made, it was

explained, but final disposition of

living necessities should not be

accomplished until evacuation or-

ders are posted. (c)

It was also advised that Japanese

should not give up their regular

jobs until the orders to evacuate are

posted in their particular district.

It was also declared that Japan-

ese with employment inside such

posted areas must give up their

jobs even if they live in the out-

side district. Many part-time do-

mestic workers were affected in

San Francisco by this ruling as

much of the better residential dis-

tricts of the city were designated

evacuation areas first.

"Careful planning is necessary,"

Lt. Col. Martin F. Hass, of the War-

time Civil Control administration,

who is in charge of initial evacua-

said, "This evacuation is an overall

tion said, "This evacuation is an

overall problem encompassing the

entire Pacific coast area.

"Due to the e-tent of the man

problems involved we cannot an-

nounce evacuation dates for the en-

tire area all at once. Therefore, or-

ders for the movement of Japanese

to assembly centers cannot be im-

mediately posted in all districts, but

they will be posted as rapidly as

is practicable in order that evacua-

tion will not be delayed.

"If the Japanese dispose of

their household property-that is,

actually sell or store it-before or-

ders are posted in their particular

district, they may find themselves

faced with the problem of living

without household necessities

while they are waiting to be mov- .

ed to an assembly center."

Colonel Hass emphasized that the

tempo of the evacuation program is

definitely being speeded up. "It is

therefore urgent that definite plans

be completed without delay for the

disposition of all property, includ-

jing final arrangements of business

affairs; he warned, - oS

It was explained again that ser-

`vice offices set up throughout the

Pacifie coast area are staffed with

representatives of several agencies

of the government wko are prepar-

ed to assist prospective evacuees in

the settlement of their affairs.

These representatives are from

the Federal Reserve bank; Farm

Security administration, Social Se-

curity agency and the United States

Employment. service.



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