Topaz High School newsletter (February 1, 1943), pages 5-6

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4a a

ly Gown a street when she

accidentally bumped into a

man. The latter smiled and

was going to apologize

wnen he suddenly realized

sie was wearing slacks. He

screamed, pulled out his

automatic and shot her; he

didn't believe in feminiz-

ed pants.

MORAL: Most girls wear

slacks, but the ones with

tae pretty legs still wear


Members of the feminine

sev: why don't you sew

your name on your coats,

etc., and give the boys a

chance, No time for a for=--

mal introduction, you know,

Suggestions for windy

days: Girls, wear bandanas

to keep your hair from

looking like a hay-field,.

Buy and wear clothes

that fit you. Youtre sup-

posed to dress, not hide

in them, (777)

Boys will be boys, but

lately they have changed,

All I see now is boys with

clothes and I do mean


No kidding? You mean,

Tad Ishida been trying to

get a certain girl? Is

that why he's always

ed to kill? as

Boy, oh, boys Harry Ki-

tano, how much time do you

take to curl your hair and

your eye lashes? You

should give Masa Takatoshi

some of your curls,

Are you trying to out-

shine the girl's white

shoes, Tak Kubota?

Harpe Komaru's sharp

glenn plaid, short coat is

the thing, isn't it,girls?

girl was trotting gai-




The question hers js, `What do you cent

of Gances

eoupleg- oply#@% his question is of a debatable




replies: i 3

FLORENCE SASAJIMA, Juniorr "Well, it's tough for

the wallflowers if there were couples only dances, but

you have to take into consideration that if there wore

dances for couples only, there wouldn't be any left-~


and one about which we would all like to know

In their own words, here are some of the

KAI, Senior: "It won't work. Lots of fuys

go if the other guys go, but if the other fellows

don't go, they won't go. Most of the boys are too bash~

ful to ask the girls. Anyway, stag dances are more

fun, less formal!"

. KAZU NAO, Sophemore:

because at a stag dance,

ask the girls,!t

JOHN KATSY, Sophomore: "I don't think it!s good,

because the boys would have more "chansull at a stag

dance e M

JOR TAKATSYNO, Junior: "I think it's lousy, I can't

get a date, anyway.!!

TAMA YOSHIMURA, Senior: "I believe that some of the

dances should be for couples only and some stags. It

should suit the occasion," :

"I think couples are better

the boys are too bashful to

}"Butch Minds the Baby" (babies)


}"Por Me and My Girl"

j"Born to Sing"

t'Between Us Girls!"

{"Vivacious Lady"

For pleasure and "in" fun, Jimmy Fiddler recommends,

the following movies for:

"The Big Shot"

"It's Love Itm After'!

"The Male Animal"

"Woman of the Year"

"This Time For Keeps!

"Sweater Girl!"

Mr. Nobile!

Florence Sasajima

Tetsuo Ochi!

Mary Matsumoto.

Harpy Komaru

Yo. Ikeda

"Butch! Nakaso's fore Classes

Grace Sayerusa}

Toa Mom ty :

Elsie Ttashikiy

John Oshima

Patsy Iwanaga

Miss Gerard

Fumi Manabef

"Bags" of Topaz Highl-

Shiz Ozaki! -

5th0x00B0 0x00A7tudy Girls

Tsuki Takaha

Kiki Miho

Topaz Hi Canstitarion

"Juke Girl"

"Glamour Boy"!

"Priorities of 1943" (skirts)

"My Favorite Blonde!"

"Lady Has Plans"

"The Desperadoos"

"Ball of Fire!

"Dive Bomber"

"The Great Commandment"!

twofaged Woman" 2272

. This week, I shall de-

vote the entire colunn to

the first string varsity

stars of the Topaz High

basketball tean,

| At the forward post-~

tions are Tom Toniokn and

@ichi Adachi, Ton played

at .George Washington Hi in

San Frencisco andis a

long. shot. artist, plus

being .a tricky- bell. hend-

ler.. At the other slot is

Eichi Adachi, forner San

Mateo star. He is an oll-

areund man and is the high

scorer of the tecan, be-

Sides being an outstanding


Perforning at center is

"Chinky" Hidekawa, forner-

ly of Lowell. He has de-

veloped 2 deadly left hand-

ed hook

of the


Holding down the cuard

pesitions are Hiro Shinizu

ex San Matee star, and

Vince Menii, forner star

of the Lowell Hi 120ts,

Hiro is nett - high secrine

man, but inekes it up by

his defensive ability.

Another worthy perforn-

er at guard -is Ton Yosh-

itomi, varsity star fron

Commerce Hish,



shot and use

backboard on nost

Pe ee ee

Bu wy 2 ATO Tr

/ N

In an effort * to:

indulge in' school sports,

the P.Z. Departnent, heat-

ed by Mas Iscbe, has ow ~

lined an intramiral pr oe

gran'in which most ree

sports will be played, .

The intramural prog

INTRAMURAL: ancttz?ect 22 te t8 208



February 1, 1s


Wrapped in the wild bed-

Delta High varsity barcly

nosed out the powerful

Topaz High "A" squad, 24

fives -to vl last Friday.

each boy en opportunity: a.

espite the glow open=

Las! the game turned out

to be a real thriller, The

"outcone of the game could

not be deternined

the final


The first half proved


second of the

is slated. `to begin in the} to be dull with both teans

later part of Februar

will include ba


foe tho


stated, "Wweo-mi


soft ball.

tine being, "If

permit", Mas

pitching, wand treck."Thdre':

will be ""fotir: `tagketbdl

courts, three. volleyball

courts, and five baseball


GA playing for.

Rat ae - hand. tho

ball, ping-renz, hersesiice } cond half,

`forth , with.

showing unca nny clevornoss

breaks, The.

`initial half ended 8 to 2.

with Topaz helding zs slin

| nargin,. .

~ The turning,


sa of.

me in the see:

= ath cent Adachi,

Hidekawa, | ond Monit natch-

1l- ing basket Fer besket, The

Eane and


see-sawed back


The lerguc will be divi- and accurn CV e





inte their respoctive

closscos, *`and within .

classes, fron' the

to the llth, the

tons will be forned ace

eording to their nunber,

Taose best quelified will

play in Class "A", end


Ab. a. as gMicg /

Since itts traditioncl

for 2 scentehec(R)' to *have a

nickmane and school ecclors

these students who have

brilliant suzeestions Tor

nicknane and scheol col-

ors for Topaz Hizh say

subnit their choice in the





With six minutes ronain-

ing, Delta crabbed a five

point lend, but Adachi and

Pomioka scered twice to

within one point of


With ten

maining ,- Pomicka

nected fron the

court, but it was nulli-

10a" "Oy the reforec,

erasing all hepes for a

Tonaz victory.

-High scorers wore Ada-

chi with 10 points, and

Hideawa with 6.

In the prelininary tilt,

the offonsive ninded Tepaz

"BW squad trounced the Del-

ta scrubs by n lopsided





"score cf 46 to 12.

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