Letter from George Sakai to Joseph R. Goodman, September 18, 1942

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Dear Joe;

This may be the last letter from me before leaving for

Utah, so I'll make it short.

Thanx very much for all the favors that you and your

group have done for all of us. Words can not express our gratitude

so we hope that at some more opportune time we may be able to

show you some of the things that we feel in our hearts.

As we leave from the coast, we leave with mingled thougts

of sorrow and of joy in unknown adve.ture. It has truly been

wonderful to have the help of the Friends, Student Relocation,

the Fellowship and the Miscellaneous Groups. Many of us leave

for Utah with the hopes of jobs outside of the Relocation Project

and of going to some college; we are more sure of ourselves when

we have such sincere persons backing us up on the Pacific Coast.

Our family hopes that you will enjoy your stay at our

home, and that we may meet once again when all this is over.

We are expecting to leave on the 28th of this month, and will

drop you a line when we get to Utah.

My best wishes to all those at the house, and in the

Student Relocation Broup. Thanx for everything

Most sincerely,


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